IMPORTANT ——————————————————— Please make sure to always back up your files before updating. I am not responsible for any update going wrong and messing / losing your previous or actual files. ABOUT THE UPDATE ——————————————————— This update is an extremely large one in terms of what has been changed in the background. Everything has been changed, every single file and folder structure. The whole framework was redesigned to allow for better and cleaner code for the future while maintaining all the functionality that was already there. Besides the inhouse built framework change, other great and superb features were added and you can read about them on Codecanyon on my product page description ( Changelog ). HOW TO UPDATE ——————————————————— Please read the first line of this document and make sure you understand that you are fully responsible for updating the product or installing it freshly. 1. BACKUP Backup all your files and your existing database in case something happens while you update. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP AS AT LEAST THE 'core/config/config.php' FILE IS MANDATORY TO BE SAVED. 2. DELETE THE OLD Delete all the files of the SocialProof installation excluding the "uploads" folder. 3. UPLOAD Upload the new files of the SocialProof "product" folder content. 4. CONFIG FILE Go to 'app/config/config.php' file and open it up. Add your database details from your previous 'core/config/config.php' file that you saved in the new format of the config file. It should look like this after you added the details: selecting the database -> going to the SQL tab and running the following mysql query. alter table track_conversions add location varchar(512) null; INSERT INTO `settings` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('package_custom', '{\"package_id\":\"custom\",\"name\":\"Custom\",\"is_enabled\":true}'), ('privacy_policy_url', ''), ('terms_and_conditions_url', ''); 6. UPDATE THE PACKAGES As a lot of new features have been added, you also need to: 6.1 login to the Admin Panel 6.2 go to Packages page 6.3 update the package settings as you wish and save it 6.4 update the subscribers of the package by clicking the 'update' of the 'Update Package Subscribers' heading on the Packge Update page. Repeat for all the packages so that you have all the new proper settings for each package you created.