IMPORTANT ——————————————————— Please make sure to always back up your files before updating. I am not responsible for any update going wrong and messing / losing your previous or actual files. FILE CHANGES ——————————————————— This update is massive and all the files have been touched or changed. Replace all the folders / files except the "uploads" folder, "install" folder and the "app/config/config.php" file. DATABASE CHANGES -------------------- IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR DATABASE JUST TO BE SAFE. You will have to run the following queries into your database. You can run those with PhpMyAdmin -> selecting the database -> going to the SQL tab and running the following mysql query. COPY & RUN THE FOLLOWING QUERIES -------- update settings set `key` = 'default_timezone' WHERE `key` = 'time_zone'; create index track_conversions_date_index on track_conversions (date); create index track_logs_last_date_index on track_logs (last_date); create index track_notifications_date_index on track_notifications (date); create index campaigns_domain_index on campaigns (domain); alter table users add timezone varchar(16) default 'UTC'; alter table users modify timezone varchar(32) default 'UTC' null; CREATE TABLE `pages_categories` ( `pages_category_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `url` varchar(256) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `title` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `description` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT '', `icon` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `order` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`pages_category_id`), KEY `url` (`url`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; alter table pages add pages_category_id int null after page_id; create index pages_pages_category_id_index on pages (pages_category_id); create index pages_url_index on pages (url); alter table pages add constraint pages_pages_categories_pages_category_id_fk foreign key (pages_category_id) references pages_categories (pages_category_id) on update cascade on delete cascade; alter table pages add `order` int default 0 null; alter table pages add total_views int default 0 null; alter table pages modify title varchar(64) default '' not null after url; alter table pages change description content text null; alter table pages add description varchar(128) null after title; alter table pages add date datetime null; alter table pages add last_date datetime null; update pages set date = now(), last_date = now(); -------- COPY & RUN THE FOLLOWING QUERIES ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE EXTENDED LICENSE -------- alter table payments add code varchar(32) null after plan; alter table payments modify date datetime null after amount; -------- LAST STEP -------------------- To update and get the Coupons / Codes system you need to go to the Admin panel -> Settings -> License tab and re-enter your license and update it. The coupons system is only available for Extended License users.